Jamaica Gleaner Arts &Leisure

Published: Monday Sunday | September 13, 2009

Remembering Terry, the artist
John Terry, the Honorary British Consul who was murdered in St James, last week, is largely remembered for his charity work for the British High Commission in Jamaica's west end. Read More...

Sunday Sauce: This bitter earth
In the second half of the last century, I was thrust on to this Earth. Read More...

University of Technology (UTech) extends access to students in western Jamaica
The University of Technology, in its continuing bid to meet the needs of the labour market through relevant training and academic programmes, has extended its reach in the city of Montego Bay. Read More...

University establishes academy in Trelawny
The University has further widened access to education with the establishment of the UTech Academy in Trelawny ... Read More...

Dr Hermi Hewitt to be inducted into American Academy of Nursing
Director of the University of the West Indies (UWI) School of Nursing, Mona, Dr Hermi Hewitt, will be inducted into the American Academy of Nursing as one of the Academy's new Fellows for 2009. Read More...

For Asafa
Asafa, you are still in the race.

West Indies Union Conference (WIU) vice-president encourages NCU to follow the Bible
Vice-President, West Indies Union Conference (WIUC) of Seventh-day Adventists, Pastor Joseph Smith, visited Northern Caribbean University's (NCU) main campus in Mandeville to promote an initiative of the World Church of Seventh-day Adventists. Read More...

NCU to host CASMET seminar
Many individuals may envy the salary of someone who owns a funeral parlour, however, they might not think it delightful to embalm the dead. That is the dilemma of many professions. Read More...

'Gulag' book, once banned, is now required reading
MOSCOW (AP):The book that made 'Gulag' a synonym for the horrors of Soviet oppression will be taught in Russian high schools, a generation after the Kremlin banned it as destructive to the Communist cause and exiled its author.The... Read More...