Annual auto show scrapped

Published: Sunday | September 13, 2009

Brian Bonitto, Editor - Overseas Publications


LOCAL MOTOR vehicle enthusiasts will have to wait a year for the staging of the annual Automotive Dealers Association's (ADA) car show, as this year's event has been cancelled.

"It is unfortunate, but the show has had to be postponed until next year," said Kent LaCroix, chairman of ADA, in an interview with Automotives.

"The decision to cancel the car show was taken at a meeting last Tuesday," the chairman said. "It's because of the current economic situation and the heavily discounted prices at which the dealers have to be selling the vehicles to the public," he continued.

economic crisis

The chairman, who was elected for a fifth consecutive term on July 29, explained that in a bid to generate motor vehicle sales, dealers have had to sell below market price, in some instances, so they could pay the bills.

"We are now trying to recoup," LaCroix said.

The show - which had its beginnings in the 1960s - costs about $10 million to stage, LaCroix said.

He revealed that most of the sales by the dealers were not generated at the show, but it has proven to be a great marketing tool.


He was, however, optimistic that the Government's recent initiative of a six-month suspension of the Special Consumption Tax on car imports would help in the revival plan of the car industry.

The Government's 'stimulus package' announced last Wednesday will see a rollback on duties on imported vehicles with less than 1600cc rating, while those vehicles with 1600cc rating and upwards will now attract between 5 and 35 per cent duty.

This move has been welcomed by most of the major players in the car industry.