Jamaica Gleaner Commentary

Published: Monday Sunday | September 13, 2009

EDITORIAL: Explain the vehicle policy
In the absence of a clear outline of the assumptions on which it rested its decision, as well as proof of rigorous analyses pointing to an efficacy of outcomes, we have to declare, like the Opposition, bemusement at... Read More...

IMF snags and improving youth literacy
As in many other countries, politics in Jamaica easily descends into farce. - Don Robotham Read More...

Significant changes in global competitiveness
The United States economy which is bigger than that of Japan, China and Germany combined, was knocked off its long-held position as the most competitive, by Switzerland, in the 2009 rankings recently released in the 2009-2010...- Dennis Morrison Read More...

Cock mouth and sticky hands
Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we chose to oppose just for the sake of opposing! Three years ago, then prime minister, Portia Simpson Miller decided to lend $1 billion from the National Insurance Fund (NIF) to various financial institutions... Read More...

'University fi stone dog'
According to the latest figures on the website of the University Council of Jamaica, there are 48 "registered institutions and training units" doing business in the country.- Carolyn Cooper Read More...