Jamaica Gleaner In Focus

Published: Monday Sunday | September 13, 2009

Life beyond the IMF
French President and war hero General Charles de Gaulle once forewarned the French people, "apres moi, le deluge" ("after me, the deluge"). Read More...

Atheists' problem with the Bible
In editorials, the Gleaner, among others, has slapped successive governments for pandering to the Church on casino gaming, forfeiting multiple millions which could have been pumped into our anaemic economy. Read More...

Regime change in Jamaica
The recent Gleaner/Bill Johnson poll said that 50 per cent of Jamaicans did not want a general election now, and quite a bit less, 39 per cent did. Read More...

The stars and the Bible
Garett Morris voices Satan.

Bahamas - grandfather of Caribbean casinos
The history of casino gaming in the Bahamian economy has a span of almost nine decades, easily allowing The Bahamas to be considered the 'grandfather' in casino development in the Caribbean. Read More...

How can Pickersgill forget?
The chairman of the People's National Party (PNP) says the first two years of the Golding administration are the worst he has seen in Jamaica's history since Independence. Read More...