The 'Wright' years

Published: Sunday | September 13, 2009

Chester Francis-Jackson, Gleaner Witer

Birthday 'boy' attorney-at-law Norman Wright gets a special birthday smile from his dear wife, Jean, at his 70th birthday cocktail-dinner party, held at Norbury Villas, Norbrook on Saturday night, September 5.- Winston Sill/Freelance Photographer

And so, on the occasion of his 70 birthday, the esteemed jurist, Norman Wright, Q.C., was treated to a celebratory dinner and reception by his beloved wife, leading businesswoman and socialite Jean Wright, at the couple's residence, in Norbrook, St Andrew, on Saturday, September 5. It was very much a style banquet and testimonial to family, friends.

Clearly, Norman Wright is one who has invested wisely and strongly in building and cementing family ties as well as lasting friendships. These have earned him the grudging admiration of his professional colleagues and associates as he, at 70, is seemingly in the prime of his life, enjoying the respect and admiration of friends, family and the wider community.

It is said of Wright, that he is a man of action, not words, and so while many blare their own fee-fee from time to time, he prefers to hide his trumpet behind repartee and an ease of manner that generally masks his charity and philanthropic disposition.


So the celebration to mark the occasion was more of a gathering to toast his life, accomplishments, and continuing zest of the unabashed Virgoan. It made for a stellar occasion.

To begin the celebration, guests were shuttled from a prescribed area and then shuttled into the gated community. They were then treated to perfectly chilled mimosas or margaritas or preferred cocktails, on the terraced entrance to the couple's fab condominium. A battery of properly groomed staff did the rounds, pouring premium libations and some absolutely fab concoctions. But the divine mimosa was clearly the early belle of the drinking ball. And as guests poured in and greeted the birthday 'boy' and his fabulous hostess, there was no mistaking the air of transparent ease that pervaded the atmosphere. Clearly, this was not an occasion of profiling, but a genuine celebration of a husband, father, brother and friend, evidenced by the intimate nature of the gathering.

Cocktails taken, guests were then invited to join the hostess and the birthday celebrant on the lawns for dinner. With the charming and oh-so-talented Dian Watson catering, you know that guests were in for a gastronomic treat!

We are talking green salad with June plum vinaigrette, corn-fed chicken marinated in herbs, grilled and served with Cranberry chutney, suckling pig marinated in jerk/white rum sauce and herbs, rack of lamb roasted to perfection, deboned and served with mint jelly, jumbo shrimp in coconut island sauce, with a choice of garden vegetables sautéed in garlic butter and herbs, creamed sweet potatoes encrusted with crushed pineapple, breadfruit salad, and/or Jasmine rice with parsley. The dessert included a fabulous Selena Wong light fruit cake and trifle in shot glasses by Nicole's Sweet Temptations.

toasts and testimonials

Dinner was preceded by blessings and followed by toasts and testimonials, in a brief interlude chaired by Geoff Messado. Friends of long-standing shared their affection for the birthday 'boy' through anecdotal recollections, all against the backdrop of some absolutely stirring at times, soothing music provided by the Dwight Pinkney Ensemble. Jasmine Black sang beautifully.

But what a charmer of a night! Pleasant to the core and oh so rich in style, elegance and substance.

Among those out sharing in the festivities were Prime Minister Bruce Golding; his brother-in-law, Labour Minister Pearnell Charles, and his elegant wife, Gloria; Speaker of the House Delroy Chuck and wife, Pat; Justice Ian Forte and wife, Senator Marlene Mahaloo-Forte; Ambassador Derrick Heaven and wife, Thyra.

Her Worship, Custos of St Thomas, Marcia Bennett; Cliff and Joan Stone; Anthony and Jeanne Watson; Dr Marshall Hall and wife, Jeanette; Geoff and Jennifer Messado; Capt Michael Lyn and wife, Thalia; Rev John Scott; the elegant Pat Ramsay; Rev Dr Elmo Lumsden; Jimmy Smith; Jeannie Bell; Clive Thompson and Ann-Marie Feanny.

Also out were Stanley Dunwell and wife, Dr Pat Dunwell; Jassel Dunstan and wife, the gorgeous Audrey Marks Dunstan; Ronnie Coke and wife, Ethlyn Norton-Coke; Carmen Brown; Dennis and Chyya Hawkins; Capt Ralston Nunes and wife, Kathy; Robert and Sandra Ramsay; Capt David McRae and Dr Allison Green, in from Orlando; Barry and Charmaine Byrne; Evon and Molly Brown; Winston and Cecile Atkinson; Una Blake, and David Rogers. Family members included Dr John Wright and wife, Audrey Patricia Samuels; Anthony Wright and wife, Lilieth; Phillip and Eroleen Powell; Rema Wright; Erica Anderson; Garth Wright, plus a number of others.

Captain David McRae and the lovely Dr Allison Haughton-Green chill at the party.