Sunday Sauce: This bitter earth

Published: Sunday | September 13, 2009

Oxy Moron, Contributor

In the second half of the last century, I was thrust on to this Earth. I had no say in my existence. I had no choice than to be born. So I lived and I lived. I had no choice. By the time I reached basic school I was taught songs, such as "Jesus love me this I know". But how did I come by that 'knowledge'? I sang nevertheless.

I was taught verses from the Bible, which I regurgitated eloquently, though I had no idea of what I was saying. I was told Bible stories, and I believed them. As time passed Satan, whom I have never met, became my enemy, and I was told if I did not obey the good God I would be cast into Hell, a huge lake of fire, to burn forever. What a frightening thing to say to a child!

Our Sunday school teachers painted images of a reddish black man with pointed horns and an arrow-tipped tail. He had a three-pronged fork that he would use to poke hellfire. Then, there were those pictures of the 'Saviour', a long, blond-haired, fair-skinned man, with piercing blue eyes, who was going to toss us into that lake of fire if we did not obey his Ten Commandments. The tyrant they had made him out to be!

Now, as I, Oxy Moron, reflect upon life as it is, I say we are surrounded by too much evil, bloodletting and suffering, and there seems to be no end. Could it be that we are already in Hell and don't know it? And if this isn't Hell, then what is it, and why were we born in it? I, Oxy Moron, would like to know the truth.

And I would prefer if those who want to proffer it do not bring religion into the mix. Nobody was around at the beginning of time to give an account as to how human existence all started, and nobody has ever returned from the dead to tell the tale of what's on the other side. The scientists, too, must stay out.

They have tried their best to explain our existence, as it were, but their findings are woefully inconclusive. I guess one day they will see it through their giant telescope, the Hubble.

So, as the world crumbles around me, I, Oxy Moron, am waiting.