For Asafa

Published: Sunday | September 13, 2009

Asafa, you are still in the race.

A top athlete and a speed king.

Your face cannot be erased out of the books of this sprinting place.

You have your history, too, and world records to show.

You set the stage for others to follow.

You have your magnificent story and your time of glory.

The master of humility,

Admired and envied

Advertised and criticised.

Reserved from birth but well known on this earth.

Strive Asafa!

Shine Asafa!

You've got talent!

Break free!

Break out into the awesome athlete you are!

Show the world what you are made of.

Let the chatterboxes shut up or tape their mouth.

Make the quiet ones shout out: Asafa you can do it!

You have done it before.

Don't disappoint your loyal fans,

Look at them cheering for you in the stands.

Strive, Asafa, you are blessed!

Shine, Asafa!

You've got class.

You are still fast.

Step up,

Reach out.

Don't limit yourself.

Big up yourself!

You have made your name,

You've got gold in the game.

Strive, Asafa!

Strive, you are blessed!

- Erika Heslop


A Lifetime

A usual and consistent routine;

life gets dressed in its numerous garments and

goes out hand in hand with time to explore.

On their explorations they came across

burdened hopeless

people; tossed and turned in the suffocating embrace of dark tunnels,

looking at them with deep contemplation; life became moved with compassion,

"Something must be done for these people." It whispered to time,

Touched by the tear in life's voice, time said; "Don't worry, I will take care of them for you."

"But time, you are so patient and independent, can't you see they are about to

give up on me, something must be done now."

All humble and wise, time said nothing but allowed life to do as it will for the people,

From its giant bag of opportunities, life took out second chances for people who have failed

in pursued dreams and for others who never had any.

Thrilled from observing their reactions, life stood aside and watched to see what the once hopeless people would now do with their opportunities.

While some saw the new light that was shed on their lives, others were buried too deep in self-pity and hopelessness to make good of it.

Time took a deep breath in anticipation of life's disappointment.

It was not long before some of the people who realised what they received closed the door of opportunity that was opened for them.

Discouraged, confused and overdosed with doubt, they spat in life's face,

A knot of distress tied in life's stomach and time placed a hand around its shoulders while wiping tears with a free hand,

"Oh time, just what more can I possibly do to make them accept and appreciate me for what I am, I've done everything I can possibly do." Life wept.

Patiently, time looked at life and said, "Don't worry, I will take care of them for you."

- Millicent Pryce