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Capital and Credit Merchant Bank









Gilt Edge - The Pinnacle of Success

Product of the Financial Gleaner and The Mona School of Business


Up on one ......down on the other

Earlier this month, the World Economic Forum announced its 2003 Global Competitiveness Ranking. For Jamaica, the news was a mixed performance. On the one hand, the country showed some improvement in the lesser Business Competitiveness Index (BCI), moving to the 56th position, up from 59th in the 2002 Report, while on the other, more important Growth Competitiveness Index (GCI), there was a marked drop from the 57th position held in 2002 to 67th this year. Read More...

Why list on the stock exchange?

It is a question you have probably heard posed many times. Why take a company public and have it listed on the Stock Exchange?

Taking your company through a public offering on the securities market is a major undertaking for any entrepreneur. The event is at once a source of pride, an opportunity for business growth, and a serious legal responsibility. Read More...

Desnoes & Geddes (Red Stripe)

From "level the vibes" to being "the coolest beer company", this is Red Stripe. It started out as Desnoes and Geddes Limited, which was the result of an amalgamation of two carbonated drink companies back in 1918. The company grew by leaps and bounds later establishing a brewery to produce Red Stripe beer and Dragon Stout and still later, under franchise agreement, Guinness and Heineken. Read More...

GiltEdge 2002-The Winners' Circle

Today we break new ground by presenting a ranking of the best-of-the best listed companies that were active in Jamaica in the year 2002. Rankings of any kind tend to trigger discussion, debate and sometimes even controversy. They spark interest and comment because they dare to measure quality and to acknowledge excellence. Read More...





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